New Jersey
New York
Draft and Prosecution of Utility & Design Patent Applications International Patent Applications (PCT) All Areas of Patent Practice Before the Patent Office Prior Art Search and Analysis IP Due Diligence Studies Transactions Involving IP Assets Licensing and Royalty Arrangements
Trademark Registration and Prosecution All Areas of Trademark Practice Before the Patent Office Trademark Enforcement Infringement Defense Due Diligence Studies
Development of Estate Plans for Individuals and Families Draft, Execution and Funding of Trust Agreements Special Needs Trust Arrangements Draft and Execution of Last Will and Testament Establishment of Powers of Attorney, Living Wills Prenuptial Agreements Tax Planning
Long Term Care Planning Medicaid Application Process for Nursing Home and Nursing Care Defense and Appeals Practice Before the Social Security Administration Defense and Appeals Practice Before the State Social Services Department Fiduciary Accounting Actions Elder Abuse Claims Guardianship of Adults
Probate of Wills Appointment of Personal Representatives Administration of Estates Estate and Inheritance Tax Filings Estate Accounting Proceedings Wills and Estate Contests
Formation of New Business Entities Business Transactions Draft & Negotiation of Contractual Agreements Draft & Negotiation of Contracts for Services Defense & Enforcement of Contracts
Commercial & Residential Real Estate Closings Real Estate Disputes Property Transfer and Management Agreements Equitable Partitioning
Formation of Advance Business Structures Draft and Formation of Trust Agreements Formation of Family Business Structures Asset Preservation Planning